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Buying Guide: How to choose a bookshelf or bookcase

Natalia Kolomiets

Published on May 24 2020

How to choose a shelf or bookcase

Every home needs at least one bookshelf to display everything from books to framed photos. If you're looking for your home's first bookshelf, or simply need to add a new one to your current collection, you should study this guide. After all, there are so many options on the market that you'll probably have trouble deciding which one is best for your home. Here's what you need to know before you go out looking for bookshelves.


How big do you need your shelf to be?


One of the most basic considerations is the size you want this piece of furniture to be. This will depend on a few factors. First, how much space do you have in the room where you plan to place it? If there is a lot of open space, you can choose a wide bookcase that is several feet wide.


But if you're short on space, you'll need to go up, not out, which means you'll need a higher shelf. higher shelving if you want to if you want to store a lot on it. And if you don't have much to put on it in the first place, one or more small shelves may be adequate. So be sure to measure the room before you buy.

solid wood shelving 

If you have children in your home, consider the purpose of the shelving: do you want your children to be able to access what's on the shelves of the bookcase? If so, a shorter option may be best. Otherwise, a tall shelf may be appropriate so you can keep special or fragile items out of reach of small hands. Just be sure to mount it on the wall if you have one!


What kind of shelving do you want?


 There are many shelves on the market, so think about the look you like and what you need to fit this piece of furniture.

If you are thinking about a basic shelving for storing for storing books or displaying knick-knacks, a standard bookcase should be right for you. This can be tall or wide, open or closed back.

wooden bookcase shelf

Another option is cube shelving. While standard shelving tends to have long shelves, cube storage options have square shelves where you can place books, decorative baskets or boxes. This allows you the option to easily hide some of your things from view.


There is shelves that are used for decoration more than for storage. Yes, to place those ornaments, baskets or photos that we do not know where to put, but the books on them are totally secondary. They are perfect for living rooms, as they can add color to a corner or can be used to separate environments. The important thing is not to saturate them with things and place only the beautiful ornaments that we want to show off. To make them perfect, classify the objects by "type of ornament" or color. This way, the result is very attractive.

oak wood shelving 

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